Integration Broker Gateway default Application Server

When an inbound integration does not specify an NODE then the message is processed by the Default Application Server.  This is an optional default found on the Gateway > Gateway Setup Properties.

I've noticed that some delivered Oracle images don't have the correct configuration for the default.

The Tools Release field must include the patch release number.

If this is not present or is incorrect then you'll get a null response when you invoke a service and an error is logged in PSIGW/errorLog.html (note: this is case sensitive).

Response in Google Chrome if PATCH is missing from Tools Release

IntegrationServiceClient: sendRequestToServer(). Invalid ToolsRel


Hi Graham, I noticed the same issue on previous images, see that thread (second post):
So, it has not been "solved" yet.

The WSO2 Application Server brings together best of breed open source technologies for Web Applications (i.e. Apache Tomcat), Web Services (i.e. Apache Axis2), RESTful services (ie: JAX-RS) with WSO2’s open source management, monitoring, clustering, and logging extensions.