A number of times in my PeopleSoft career I have been asked by users if I can provide a paste from the Windows clipboard into a grid. Typical use cases include pasting Excel data into a grid or bulk loading text.
I've seen some PeopleCode and Javascript developer friends of mine code some really neat solutions but here I'm not going to attempt anything fancy. I offer this code fragment for what it is - ruthlessly simple.
Some observations:
I've seen some PeopleCode and Javascript developer friends of mine code some really neat solutions but here I'm not going to attempt anything fancy. I offer this code fragment for what it is - ruthlessly simple.
PIA Page with paste window and results grid |
App Designer Page |
Local Rowset &rs = GetRowset(Scroll.GRS_TBL); Local array of string &aRows; Local array of string &aFields; &aString = CreateArray(""); &aFields = CreateArray(""); &aRows = Split(GRS_WRK.HTMLAREA, Char(10)); For &i = 1 To &aRows.Len &aFields = Split(&aRows [&i], "|"); &rs(&i).GRS_TBL.SELNUM.Value = &aFields [1]; &rs(&i).GRS_TBL.DESCR.Value = &aFields [2]; &rs.InsertRow(&rs.ActiveRowCount); End-For;
Some observations:
- You can obviously change the separator from | (pipe) to whatever works for you. Comma is useful when pasting from Excel.
- You will want to add some structure checking code. If you're expecting 2 fields but a user pastes 3 then you'll want to trap that.
- You may want to do some datatype validation to avoid generating PeopleCode or component processor errors.
- You could get really smart and create a button which reads data directly from the clipboard. Most browsers don't allow you to do this for security reasons but there are ways to configure browsers to trust the clipboard.
- I've been using this recently to repeatedly flush and reload data into tables on a new application I've been building. I went as far as making the table name a parameter and setting GETFIELD(n).Value rather than an explicit field name as I had numerous tables to populate.
Any other ideas or suggestions then, as usual, just post comments below.
Something like this:
Evaluate %Request.BrowserType
When = "IE"
RECORD.LONGVALUE.Value = Substitute(RECORD.LONGVALUE.Value, Char(10), "");
When = "CHROME"
RECORD.LONGVALUE.Value = Substitute(RECORD.LONGVALUE.Value, Char(10), Char(13));
Local Rowset &rs = GetLevel0()(1).GetRowset(@("Scroll." | String(&RecName)));
Local array of string &aRows;
Local array of string &aFields;
&tab = Char(9);
&aString = CreateArray("");
&aFields = CreateArray("");
&aRows = Split(TU_EX_CPY_WRK.HTMLAREA, Char(10));
If &aRows.Len < 1 Then
Error MsgGetText(20012, 224, "No data to be processed. Please paste data from Excel first.")
For &i = 1 To &aRows.Len
&aFields = Split(&aRows [&i], &tab);
If &FieldCount <> &aFields.Len Then
Error MsgGetText(20012, 223, "Copied cell count doesn't match with record count. Please validate your data.")
For &j = 1 To &aFields.Len
If IsDate(&aFields [&j]) Then
&rs(&i).GetRecord(@("Record." | String(&RecName))).GetField(&j).Value = Date(&aFields [&j]);
&rs(&i).GetRecord(@("Record." | String(&RecName))).GetField(&j).Value = &aFields [&j];